Stupid things you have done

Seeing as how it is Friday I thought I would start a thread to give everyone a laugh or two. I had a 95 Cherokee that suddenly would not start. I did the normal things like checking to see if it had spark and gas and could not find what was wrong. I pulled the gas tank to check the pump, I had the fuel injection all apart. I had the truck half torn apart at one point and still it would not start. It kicked from time to time like it wanted to start which just frustarted me more. In the mean time I was taking a bus to work and doing a LOT of walking and I even got my bike out and used it. Now keep in mind that this is during the winter. After a month and a half, yes I did just say a month and a half a buddy of mine came over and we looked at the truck with fresh eyes. I told him everything I had done so we decided to recheck what I had done . We pulled the cap off the distributor and I rolled the truck over to show that it was turning than my buddy reached in and took off the rotor button and handed it to me. It was cracked!!!! It would still turn but was slippping. We went and got a new rotor button put it on and the damn truck fired right up and ran like a champ. Well needless to say my buddies had a GREAT laugh over that and still remind me of it from time to time when we are together. Now it is your turn to tell us your embarrasing story!