Dumb a$$ cat sh# in my shop like 7 times.

my cat is fully trained like a dog .....he rolls over, shakes hands, and comes to me when i call him. i dont tolerate unruley felines....its my way or my way.....he dont have a choice.

HOW i trained him.

make him smell his deposit in the garage and give a light tap of a rolled newspaper on his nose....NOTE ..i said light tap ...the nose is VERY sensative ...dont take more than a tap to drive the message home ....while doing that you might say something like "BAD KITTY" ...he will feel the negative vibe.

take his deposit somewhere in the yard, where you dont mind him going and make him smell it out there....and say something like "good kitty" get his paw and make a digging motion in the dirt ...he will feel the "positive" vibe ....you need to show him what you want ...cats are not mind readersLOL

now back in the garage after its cleaned up put small amounts of food in little bowls everywhere he pooped that way he can smell that is an eating place not a potty.

the most important thing is get on a schedule...i monitored my cat and found that he was making deposits at a certain time.....so now we have a routine and he goes outside at a certain time and makes deposits in a designated area at a specific time.

cats are like humans ...creatures of habits .....spend some time working with him and get him on a schedule and it will work flawless.

NEVER hit a cat or give more than a tap on his nose ...if you want a cat to hate you for the rest of his life thats a good way to do it.

and allow for "accidents" in the first month. just like dogs...you need to put some time and effort into it......after you get him the way you want him .....he can be a nice addition to your shop for many years to come.

DO NOT believe the myth that only dogs can be trained ....dogs are 100 times dumber than cats so if they can be trained, then a cat should be capable of getting a G.E.D.