verizon are such jerks

Rani the excuse they are using is that you are hacking "their" software/ firmware, and you never actually "own" either. Same idea, if you are a programmer, it's illegal to improve Microshaft or any other software which is not "open source" on your own.

Many of the ham (amateur radio operators) pretty much hate Motorola over the same thing. Even if I was to find an old, out of date Motorola radio and figure out a way to "hack" the firmware, it is (in some cases) considered illegal under Motorola licensing. Now bear in mind that this concerns a device which is obsolete and has no real commercial/ public service use or value.

I have not kept up on the B.S. that "is" cell phones/ devices. It's way way too complicated for me to understand.

well then thats the clause to stay out of trouble....this is not hacking software .....that is illeagal in some cases and not a nice thing to do.

what im doing is re-loading a new operating systen on a device and both operating systems are readily available by samsung company.

but excessive setting mods are required to make the device perform as it should in the first place.

i can get into "hacking" having been exposed to light duty software engineering back home.......which is the capital of tech support and software enginerring, but im really just manipulating operating systems and settings to make it do what i want.