shipping bigger parts ??

If you ship something in a box make sure that it the box has 0 air space inside of it, that is where the box will cave into and once it starts it does not stop. When I was at USPS I used to laugh at some of the stuff people would ship. Coconuts, concrete blocks even a 2 foot long double headed rubber d&&do... (that was what I mailed to a buddy once) pretty much anything. I would also cringe when I picked up a box and its contents slid around inside of it. If your box can withstand the maximum amount of weigh that the carrier allows to be placed on top of it you will be good to go, other wise it WILL cave in and then you will be one of those whining customers. Seems a lot of folks think that there package is the only one that USPS/UPS?FedEx will be dealing with and that is where the problem starts....but hell, I only worked there for 20 years so take it for what it is worth.