Justin Bieber in Denver

OK...loooks like i asked the wrong crowd :laughing:

i dont understand whats wrong with him, he makes catchy tunes and interesting videos

as far as him touching that girl like that.......thats 99.5 % men i know. its her fault for letting him do that, bcoz in U.S. and Canada if a girl says dont touch me, they will usually back off and the police actually help here.

at least he dont hit girls, that we know of. if he was a girl beater then i would say he is no good, but he is a typical boy. i wouldnt let him touch me like that but im sure there are hundreds of stupid girls out there that would let him....thats their problem.

i really want to go to this concert .....so does anyone have any helpful tips for safe concert going?

what do i need to look for and watchout for.........how do i know if the tickets are for good seating area.....are there hidden charges......stuff like that?