Progess on the 71 Demon, the Musclecar Ministry's first project

Randy - any updates on the Demon? Hope you are doing well.

Hey Gary, good to hear form you!

About a year and half ago, I had to move the car to my garage at my house in Keller. We lost the use of the shop we were using in Grapevine. I've been able to make progress on the Demon, but it's been very slow.

At one point I had four guys helping me. One sort of just faded from the picture. We're not sure where he is. One passed away. Another left our church for another church closer to his home. And the last guy just told me he's planning on moving to Mississippi to be closer to his daughter. So at this time, I'm doing it all by myself.

I made decent progress last year but had some things came up that put it further behind. My wife and I had to fly to California in May and take custody of our youngest granddaughter after our daughter got mixed up with some bad people and almost got herself and our granddaughter killed. CPS stepped in and put our granddaughter in foster care in Ontario California. We had to hire attorneys here in Texas and in California, but we were successful and our granddaughter now lives with us.

Then my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in October and what with the surgery and follow-up treatment and having to raise our granddaugher, I just didn't have time to do anything with the car. The last time I did anything to the car was in October right before we got the news about the cancer.

I haven't been able to find anyone else willing to help with the car. There just aren't that many men who are into cars or who have the mechanical inclination at our church. (That's a polite way of saying that most of the guys are the sort of white collar types who don't like getting dirty.) It's just difficult to get anyone to help with projects like this at our church. There are some issues that have divided the church and the people are more focused on those issues right now. It's not the best time to ask for help and when I have asked, my appeals for more help have gone unanswered. I've gone so far as to appeal to the Search and Restore team on Spike TV, praying that my application would even be seen. No luck there so far.

All that aside, I just plan to keep plugging away. I might work something out to where I can buy the car from the church. But at the moment, that's not my first choice. I still think this is a good ministry, and I have to be patient and wait on God's timing and trust in Him to work out all these issues.