1st Annual PSC Fallen Mascot Memorial Sale ... in memory of Sox

Morning Leanna, last night I had hit the quote button on SD's remarks and was going to tell him to let it be, but I didnt think you would want to see his idiotic remarks again. Also I didnt want to seem the type of person that dwells on the negative side of things, so I didnt respond. So on a postive note it looks like he is banned!! Also here are pics of our 2 cats...never before seen photos I may add...Shaky(black) layin on my slippers. I picked him up from an animal shelter about 8 years ago..he has HUGE balance issues, like he is drunk all the time..hence the name I gave him. The balance issues come from momma cat taking meds when she was pregnant with him. The other cat is Milly(short for Millenium, she was born in 2000). The 2 cats do NOT get along, so Shaky up n Milly down. I really should take a video of Shaky he gets around like a normal cat...it just takes him a little longer to get there is all.