looking for a picture of this piece

Dis be da critter you're lookin fer?? I need the other side when you git em' made. Apparently I wern't a payin' attention to details when I got these side panels. Hope it's in the car somewhere!!! I'll ship it to ya if ya need it if you promise to ship it back!!! Geof
yep that's the beast!

best you hold off on shipping it to me right now, until I get a firm commitment from the vacuformer guy and make another side to match.

I can give him the spec's and see if it'll be cheaper than an arm & leg price. so far he's been high to fair on prices of running the parts but making molds to run them was a stone B#$@H for money costs 300-500 for a small part and up the bigger it gets. so I'm back to mold making to save a few bucks. (plus I want the piece iin 2 sizes . 1 step thicker in the plastic range to make sure it doesn't break and then again in stock thickness if I can find it exactly for the restorers.
but he's one of the very few that will run small runs(one guy's in vermont and this guy's local). most others won't even touch it for less than 5000 pieces. and to be truthful I'm not sure there ARE 5000 convertibles out there for 66. there might be for 63-66 but barely.
I have to go back to the vacuformer guy and see what he thinks($$$) about doing a run of 50 set's for me. he won't run little stuff unless it 50 or more. If worst comes to worst I'll see if I can get it from you to make a cast mold for that side and see if I can duplicate it for the other side. then ship you yours back and a new set when they get run. Making those and the outer top cover for the side panel has turned into a major project. heck he said the side panel itself would be easier to make that the top cover piece.(and I'm thinking about that made out of hard to break plastic too!, the side panel that is.) the top outer cheap plastic that covers the side panel is one of the hardest pieces to mold up since it's got 2 undercuts and will cost even more than the bigger side panel itself.

I'm asked him if he can just make them all one piece and his reply was that it'd all have texture.. that wouldn't work for me or anyone else, dangit!