
I don't usually dream, been that way for as long as I can remember. When I do though my blood runs cold and I know its going to be a bad day...

In 2006 I experienced the worst one. It was the day after Christmas and I had been up all night playing Resident Evil. I went to work with my dad even though I didn't have any sleep. So during my lunch break (back at the house) I decided I was going to take a nap.

My dad cut his lunch break short and went back to the shop as I was getting ready to take a nap. I had only been asleep for about 10 minutes when the nightmare hit. In it my dad was climbing a ladder in the shop, had a heart attack, yelled and fell off the ladder.

I sat up, because I could have sworn that yell was real. Pulled my boots back on and walked to the shop, and 5 minutes later my dad did in fact have a heart attack while climbing a ladder :prayer:

There was another nasty dream a few years before that, where I had a dream I was being attacked by a dog, and a few hours after I woke up I did get attacked by a dog. I hate dreams, Sooo glad I don't dream very often.