I believe it's time to dissapear for awhile

I'm gonna be frank, my mood has been degrading day by day for a week or so and I don't see myself coming back anytime soon. I have woke up very ugly everyday and went to bed in an even uglier mood every night. To make it worse, my valentine's day gift to my girlfriend is to quit smoking so I know it's only gonna go downhill. The last time I tried to quit, things turned out very, VERY ugly for me. I'm going into this, expecting the worst this time.

To avoid any misshapps and making an *** out of myself, I do believe very soon, I shall be taking a brief leave of absence from the forum.

I just wanted to let everyone know where I will be disappearing to and that I will be well. I hope to return to find you all are doing very well and that I don't miss too much.

Cheers and good day! :D
/6 Matt

My wife deals with this on a daily basis. If they cant take a joke screw them. Freekin pansies living in lala land need to learn to deal with it. Pen it up it will get worse. Kind of like a pit bull in a cage.Pent up they get meaner.