Air brushing, anyone here do it?

i have a pache i believe (probably murdered the spelling)
Paasche-about the best there is.
I used to do a lot of airbrushing, not any more though (although I used my brush to paint the license plates I've made for the front of my Duster).

one tip-I set mine up to use the little bottles that Testor model paint comes in (or, at least, used to come in years ago). That way, I could keep a bottle of each color mixed up, and just screw them onto the lid I'd fashioned to my airbrush rather than having to mix up whatever paint I wanted to shoot every time I wanted to use it (took a picture to show what I mean)

Also, the air line is a piece of hose with a star pattern inside it- it can't be cut off no matter how much you step on it, twist it, etc. Don't know how many times I wrecked a job because I was really into it and did something (like stepping on the line, or even pushing my elbow down onto it) to cut the air flow for a split second with the thin line that came with the brush