'76 Duster build thread or something...

So I figured I'd start one of these... Dunno why, haven't really done anything spectacular to her yet....

Rundown: Really, I want her more reliable than pretty for now... My plan is to throw a few bucks at it every paycheck until it resembles something worthwhile... Since I'm a body guy, I figure I'll throw money at the engine in the form of go-fasters and maintenance, and play with the body during the bulk of the pay period when I'm usually broke as a joke... Haven't decided on a color yet, but she's got a little bit of cancer in the sheetmetal that needs to be addressed before any sort of fancy paintjob goes on her....

According to the fender tag and a WONDERFUL resource provided by a member here (username escapes me), I found out she started life as a Silver Duster, silver in color with black/red stripe package, red canopy roof, 318, Automatic, AC, Lights package (trunk, map that I still can't find, glove box, under-hood), Boca Raton interior (that someone just HAD to f- with), and most of the other goodies available that year... She's actually quite stacked!

Craigslist ad pics:

How can you say 'no' to a face like that!?

"These here are the sleekest, sexiest lines American engineeres could come up with..." <3

Waking up to your own Mopar in the parking lot... Can't get much better than that!! :)

Night shift....

VERY clean interior!

318, in case you all forgot what these look like...... :p

New tire! :D

Played around with Photoshop last night and came up with a very hasty and imperfect temporary concept image:

Black and grey are representative of primer... I'd like to replicate the 340 stripe complete with tag on the ***-end, but that is later... Once I get her all a solid primer grey, then I'll do the black.

And that's about it for now...

- CK