Obama owned a gas guzzling Chrysler 300C ???

Obama had doled out $90 billion to green energy companies, half of which he said had failed,

Quite the Successful Community organizer we have...loses 45 billion in taxpayers money...hey..it ok..it only taxpayer money...and how many jobs went down the tubes with the 45 billion...and where could that money been better spend?...school teachers...police officers..


According to the WSj...their success rate was near 70%...but please...don’t hit me with the facts....the media does not like the facts..

Obama was and is protected by the Media.....that is who got obama elected and re-elected...and of course the people who want stuff for free....

Well until you fix the issues with teachers and their union nonsense, 45billion is just as much of a waste to them.

And you show your irrational bias. Its now the presidents fault that those green energy companies failed? Is it a bad thing to invest in american technologies that may eventually help us lose our dependence on oil from middle east?

Again, cry media cry this cry that, but in the end, the true culprit is your own party. Surely if they believed all the Faux news style gibberish, they would've come to the table with a better candidate.

Remember, same candidate that chose a teaparty nutjob for VP(will your party learn not to that in 2016? i kind of doubt it)...you know, the group that's been in existence for a short time, but polls show they are more hated than Muslim's and Atheists. Shocking to get so low so quickly especially when those two bottom groups got there from campaigns of hate& misinformation. Also the same group that previously produced a mindnumbingly stupid VP who clearly caused the right losing the 08' election.