Comp cams degreeing issue

I think you are missing something here, the advance is a comparison of the cam Lobe Separation Angle and the Installed Centerline. IIRC, that cam is cut on a 110 LSA and has an ICL of 106. Installing at 106 is 4 degrees advanced from the 110 LSA.

DO NOT pay attention to where the timing set says it's installed. The timing sets (not all) are HORRIBLE when it comes to the advance/retard/straight up keyways. I had one that the straight up was 2* retarded, change to the 4 degrees advanced keyway, now it was 8* ahead. Only had a 10* change in it... :(

If you put it in with the straight up dots lined up and it came in at 106, it's correct per the card. I'd leave it there.

I see what you are saying. For some reason the last sentence in your statement above threw me off a little. And I do agree what you are saying about the timing marks, forget them. Go by what the degree wheel indicates.
This statement cleared up a lot for me in cam design:

"I think you are missing something here, the advance is a comparison of the cam Lobe Separation Angle and the Installed Centerline. IIRC, that cam is cut on a 110 LSA and has an ICL of 106. Installing at 106 is 4 degrees advanced from the 110 LSA."