440 Source Super Stealth, what flow #'s?

Well, let's sum this thing up.


The flows I have posted so far, are with big valves. The biggest valve the OOTB seat will support is the 2.14". If you want the flow you have to replace the intake seat and buy bigger valves.

So what can you do with the present seats?

This is what I suggest. Take a die grinder and some burrs and blend the gigantic bowls into the bottom of the existing hard seats, lay the short turn radius back without changing the height of the floor, do a 5 angle valve job, back cut the valve and open the erratic port window up to max wedge size. Do this and you can have a cheapo head that will flow........


If you want more than that.........GET A REAL HEAD.

If you don't open the window to max wedge size, your gunna get........


I wouldn't buy this head if your gunna have someone else do the work. This is a home project, el cheapo. It's just so the guy, who hotrods from his family garage, can save a few bucks and go a little faster.

Don't take this as I'm down on 440 Source, I have ALWAYS received excellent customer service from them.