A 440 A-Body... that can handle?

as usual, more AWESOME info from you guys!

Just a little fuel for the discussion, I was talking to my friend today, one who is always making "slowpar" jokes and whatever.... she's got an '03 Mustang Terminator Cobra, and being supercharged, it kicks out about 500HP I believe. now, I know pushing a 440 to get 500 HP on a low budget AND keeping it streetable is just nonsense, SO I don't want to beat her on the numbers... but if I can get a mopar to handle with a big block, like we've been discussing, then THAT will be something to brag about and whatever.

Just thought that was worth mentioning :P

Tell her to stop comparing apples to oranges. Comparing a naturally aspirated v8 to a supercharged one really isnt a fair comparison. I go thru this with the fast n furious ID10Ts all the time. Dont even bother anymore. A twin turbo 440 mopar on a light weight diet in a well sorted handling chassis with good rubber could terminate the terminator, if you could actually get the rear end to hook up.