when it rains it pours

Is it bad luck ? Do we make our own luck ? We all make mistakes. We learn from them and carry on. What am I talking about ?...
I read MSD and headers and wonder how a lot of aftermarket crap found its way in a vechile that is heavily depended on. That kind of stuff belongs on hobby vehicles only. A vehicle that is heavily depended on should be maintained only. Regular maintainance that will keep the vehicle dependable would include repairing or replacing faulty electrical connecters.

actually MSD distributors and ignition boxes are MORE reliable than the factory units, if they are installed properly. if you leave loose wires hanging down into stuff yeah you will have problems.

i've never seen headers cause reliability problems...

but i guess we are all entitled to our opinions :D

you do know that car manufacturers buy a good quantity of their parts from other companies? i think *cough* mopar distributors are made by *cough* mallory. and mallory is not as dependable as msd.

actually i pity people who have newer vehicles with computer controlled ignition and fuel systems. what happens when the computer goes out? poof there goes $1000 for factory replacement according to "spec"

ok so what happens when you have a 1990 vehicle and the computer is no longer available