Best way to prep rallye wheels for paint?


Don't powder coat it gets a rock chip and the rust runs under the paint.

Best way is check them to make sure they are straight (use your wheel spinner you made out of a spare drum spindle) then garnet blast (not sand blast) then use DP epoxy primer to seal them. Once again use your wheel spinner when your painting them it's crazy easy to spin the wheel and paint it while it's going around.

I then like to paint the back sides black with single stage and use the proper formula single stage argent (the mopar wheel paint from the mopar dealer or mancini will work just not nearly as durable)

You said you don't have enough for blasting but it costs $10 bucks a wheel and you will get far superior results then any of the the other methods when you start with properly prepped metal. Also honestly when everything is said and done the "cheap" methods described earlier in the thread are not going to be that much cheaper then doing it properly and not nearly as durable.