suitable small block home?

You are in Georgia,you have neighbors,that weld. If not,find a way to contact RustyRatRod,a B bodies.:prayer:
My good buddy Rob! I talk to him almost everyday. He would probably be happy to help
that thing would fly with even a 318 in heavy is a chevette maybe 2200 lbs?
Yep, right around there. Maybe when Waggon II is done we can line em up! :toothy10:
What you wating for lol If you get started and find out its not for you .. keep the motor and scrap the car you just lost some time
This is true!!:cheers:
I say drive it as is,save some money(on fuel big time)Find the right A-body you really want.JMO:D
The engine is blown up and the transmission slips bad
I had a Chevette (bone stock) many years ago. Actually not bad as an econobox. Got over 40mpg on the hiway with 3 people and the A/C on.
But check the front suspension areas, they had a tendency, to rust out. That's why I had to get rid of mine.
Thanks man, I will definitelyncheck that out!
Wife had one for years. It was a tough little car. Rear wheel drive, so the only real problem is getting a rear narrowed. You will need to do some tubing in the back end if you want to get any amount of rubber in there. Would be a cool car.


Thanks Jack!