The French Drag Racers need your HELP !

Just curious but how many cars are involved in drag racing in France. When I served in the Army in the mid 80s in Germany, drag racing was popular as lots of Americans brought hotrods and some race cars over. Germans raced anything they could get there hands on and they had some dedicated strips. Still do. When I went to a French commando school it didnt seem like there was a place to race a Lecar. But that was near the Belgium border. Good luck with it.

Well, I signed the petition last week and I am surprised to see it posted here!

Just to let you know Drag racing here in Germany is still going strong! Some of the tracks have closed down (Giebestadt, Hanau, Fliegerhorst etc.). Hockenheim is around and now Bitburg for the last ten years. If there was a track in France I would be willing to utilize it and if they offered more than one or two events a year would be awesome!