Graveyard carz shop pics

I'm glad to hear this because HIS tv show makes him look like the biggest tool in the business behind Galen Govier. The way he talks to his employees especially his son-in-law, would have him wearing a black eye in no time where I come from.

I like the show and it would be better if they could just cut down on his arrogant rants about how much he knows about Mopars and how only FIVE guys in the world can do the things that he does...

First, thanks for the photos! Second, I agree about the rants and I want to add that the non-car related drama has no place on the show! I like their work, but they are super annoying. I only watch because I am picking up detailing tips - so thanks to them for that. I have been told by fellow Mopar friends that they don't watch because they can't stand the drama either. I think they are making Mopar people look like kooks, so I wish they would just edit the drama parts out - thanks.:violent1: