Project- Bills Buggy

Nope, not really saying yay or nay... Just trying to look at it from both sides of the fence. But considering your situation and the order of which you plan on doing stuff to the car. I think I would probably just hold off. Get your seats and shifter and everything taken care of (projects but not with considerable down time). Drive it and enjoy it for the summer. And then come fall or winter go through on the rest of it.

I'm sure it would kick your *** to do it this spring or summer and not being able to get to drive it. Us folks that have to deal with snow only have a few good months out of the year to enjoy our rides so any down time is an issue lol.

Not to mention... You wouldn't want to rush it along and cut corners or sacrifice quality. Just take your time and enjoy it and do it when you think the time has come!

I totally hear what your saying.. Mainly I will just play it by ear.. Get my little projects done first and see how its going.. I just look forward to getting my baby back out in the sunshine..