explorer 8.8 in an a-body: experience needed

Be bitter if you like Matt but I've seen it time and time again where someone asked a question and no comments on the contrary happened and the OP never came back to say any more. As for the comments on why not to do a conversion, some of us have numerous yrs. of experience with rear ends and know most of the ends and outs and when we see something that we feel is non productive (lets face it, guys with no experience will sometimes swallow BS) we feel it's good to offer a counter point. That's exactly what I did when I posted my comments.
I am bitter and I do see the validity of your point. I'll leave for awhile and cool down. If I don't come back to this thread, just know I do see the perspective from your side of the fence.

PS: I think somebody pissed in my cornflakes today, my bad guys.:oops: