Sciatica and pain Dam Back .. Help

I herniated a disc in lower back 1995. Had surgery trimmed the disc that lasted a couple of years. Then the disc totally blew out pain so bad it would take your breath away. Dealt with that for 8 years. Couldn't do much of anything. Did all of the therapy,pain killers,pool therapy at the ymca for a year 3 times a week,hot cold packs tens unit, massages. Went and seen a specialist and had a back fusion done on 2 vertabre. Have a couple lag bolts and a small shackle looking peice in there now. The pain was so bad I was ready to drive in front of a truck. The surgery sucks along with the recovery but I would do it all again. The doctor told me the surgery would take about 40-50 percent of the pain away but it took about 70-80 percent away. I can do so much now that I couldn't do for 10 years before. Drank alot of vodka in those 10 years now I don't drink much at all. My .02 cents.