Paint stripping trick for you

After doing body work for many years, a friend taught me a new trick for using paint stripper that really works great.

In the past, I always thought the reason paint stripper stopped working after awhile was because it had lifted all the paint it could. However, I was wrong. The reason it stops working is because it evaporates.

Lay on a nice, thick coat of stripper, and then cover it immediately with a sheet of cheap plastic wrap (like Dow's Saran Wrap, only the really cheap stuff).

The stripper won't dissolve the plastic wrap, and the wrap will prevent the stripper from evaporating before it has done its job. When nothing further seems to be happening (after a couple of hours, maybe), pull the plastic wrap off and layer after layer of paint will be dissolved under it! If you time it just right, all the paint will come off with the plastic wrap when you pull it off.

I'd say this method increases the effectiveness of the stripper about 4-fold, and greatly reduces the mess involved.