Wife is pissed

My wife of 26 years, known her for 36, loves that I'm we have something fun that she can enjoy as well. Like others she def asks what something I suggest might cost but never balks...even if it's over budget. I ocean fished for years away from home on weekends and days off with our sons, also not a cheap sport if you like to fish for biggen's. Now that my fishing days are over and we're back into the mopar seen she loves that we're home, in the garage, at shows or cruises or even chasing parts. The money end is way cheaper than fishing and we have way more to show for it and way more fun together than we ever did. That being said, I never question her expenditures because I know shes very good with our money. She works too, has a great job and is a great saver.
A guy I once knew always said "All woman are half daffy". He's dead now, rest his soul, but I like to modify that quote by saying "They're all crazy to some extent, our job is to find one that's less crazy than the rest of them" and I found one that's way less crazy. At least that's what I tell my sons.
Still crazy after all these years.