I Got Stiffed

I came very close here to getting ripped off.. Can't remember his last name but there is a guy from Nebraska named Mark, who I made arrangements with to pick up an 8 3/4 complete drum to drum at his house. I had flown to Nevada and picked up my Dart and was driving it cross country to FL and was stopping by his house to pick up the rearend. I had only paid 325 for it and I was damn suspicious that the ring gear whined or that it had a major problem at that price. I had called him every to update him on my exact arrival at his house. I arrived and his mom said he had gone some where and that he would be back in a few HOURS. I said ma'm I really need to get on the road, could you tell me where it is. She pointed to a field next to the house that was overgrown with weeds chest high, and said "it must be in there somewhere." I backed the car to the edge of the field and my wife and son found it and we wrestled it into the trunk of the Dart.

I'm 45 minutes away from his house and I get a call from him on my cell.

He said
"I was supposed to meet you"..(I had paid him weeks before with paypal, and at that time he had said several times said that I got a great deal on the rear, and that he may have let me have it too cheap." At that point my potential to get ripped off meter should have pegged.

I said "yes that WAS correct we were supposed to meet at 10 and you were nowhere to be found so I got the rearend and left."

He replied, "where are you exactly", I said "on the interstate 45 min from you and headed to FL."

He said, "you need to come back here." I said "for what."?

He said "that I needed to come back here" about 4 or 5 times and when I asked him each time for what reason I would not get a reply. So I blew him off and hauled *** to Fl.

A couple of months later I'm surfing around on the site here and theres a photo and some discussion in the forum I'm in and lots of talk about how "Mark" had screwed a guy out of $2500 on a flatbed hauler. Several other peopled chimed in how he had screwed them on deals too.
It was at that point that I realized that his intention that day when I came over to pick up the rearend was to try to EXTORT more money from me for the rearend, because 325 for a complete drum to drum working rearend even a couple of years ago was WAY WAY low.

Sounds like Mark Nixon he burned a lot of people.