explorer 8.8 in an a-body: experience needed

I give up we're talking about a 2lb RV just enough that it keeps the pads against the rotor at all times and not backing away GIVING you the ability to have rear pads last more than 2 pad changes and 100k miles...
In 100k miles do you think that 2 front pad changes and none on the rear are the rear brakes working, think about this for a moment usually all brake bias is 60/40 on factory cars, at 60/40 how many times do you think you should change front pads and not rears if the brakes are working correctly...

Every 2nd time ? maybe even just before you need to change the fronts again for the 2nd time ?
The front brake is working or wearing 20% more than the rear... but 2 times and you think it's working right.
Ever wonder why that happened with disc/drum, because the adjusters stop working and the front winds up doing more than 70% of the work...
So if you are changing brakes twice at the front and none at that rear.... you're beyond 75% of front brake work.