550-600HP 4spd suspension help

Having been down this road myself I will say this.

Spend good money ONCE.

Start at the rear of the car work forward. Put a Dana in it, get a clutch the slips, and stay away from leaf springs.

An Pro-shifted 833 will stand up fine.

The reason i say stay away from leafs is that I broke the center bolts on my car, and it was a scary ride.

Mini tub the car, move the springs inboard and run a 10" tire. While your at it put ladder bars and good double adjustable shocks aswell.

There is alot more to running a stick car than people realize.

It's the torque that will kill the driveline, and once it dead hooks, you'll find your weaknesses quite easily.

I'm not trying to discourage you, I'm just sharing my experience.
