Dodge Dart hot wheels

The Redline tire is something walmart does for an exclusive in the end caps shippers. Most stores just throw the display out and hang the cars on the normal rack. I want to think the shippers have 2-3 of the 10 different cars and a treasure hunt in them.

Walmart had a set of 10 cars with redline, set of 10 with good year tires, set of 10 with bfgoodrich tires and now I think back to redlines. I collected hotwheels for awhile. I think I have over a 1000 floating around. From regulars, 40 dollar treasure hunts, mail in cars, exclusives yada yada. Gave up on it when I started racing legend cars

wall paper... only some of the collection lmao

Holy Crap, again!!!! That's not a "collection", that's a MANIA!!!!! lol