Unhappy buyer .What to do ???

I do totally agree that people jump the gun with accusations, and I wish it were not so.
I do not think there has EVER been on of these threads where the "Tar & Feather" crew did not jump on the band wagon. Pretty sure that the mods are going to jump in here and go off on the feed back system after I make this statement....so be it....This is why I really feel that there should be a forum for transactions that did not go as expected. The only people that should be allowed to comment on any thread in that forum would be the parties involved. This was only the facts, according to the parties involved, are stated. This thread is the very reason why the famed "feedback" system is not all it is cracked up to be......couple it the fact that not everyone uses it....Ok mods......jump in here & tell me how much of an idiot I am........again......