73' B3 340 Duster pro touring build

Holy smokes Ross, I had to go all the way to page 3 to find your thread, never done that before. This killer build barely leaves top 20 on page 1. Airforce have you hiding out somewhere? We wanted to upgrade our airforce in Canada, originally it was going to be 65 new F-35s to replace our aging F-18 fleet but with the new armed forces budget theyve changed the purchase to 65 new (to us) 1970ish Cesna's, come complete with pipebombs and a six shooter....lol.
Whats happening? Hows things going in the paint & body dept?

I actually pulled my Paint & Body guy off the Duster temporarily to wet sand and Buff the Dart, it actually looks 100 times better. Next we're going to realign all the body panels. I did ask today how the Duster was coming...almost ready for primer he said, heard that back in November and then again in December,Oh and then in January.