Roller Rocker geometry questions

71 - You said they "cut the seats". I assumed these were the valve spring seats. Was it spring seats or valve seats?
As far as rockers go:
Harland Sharps as I understand it were designed for longer valves. I have not run them myself, but others have commented to that on other sites.
The Iskys tend to have machining chips in them but otherwise a very good product - may need minor clearancing for the springs.
Crane - the only issues I've found with iron and rollers over the years are the bad adjusters some years ago, and they can sometimes cause some harmonics because of the location of the pushrod cup. That was done to get a faster motion in the beginning of the lift cycle, but it also means the closing ramp can be fast and cause bounce. That was a conscious design choice they made and why I'd call them more of a street rocker rather than race rocker. High rpms can be a problem with them. I have 4 sets currently in service - 3 are 1.5, one is a combination of 1.5 and 1.6. All are on RPMs, and all had competition 5 angle Serdi valve jobs done prior to use. None showed any swipe pattern issues, and all are centered on the stem at mid lift.
Indy 1.5s were fine.
Chinese were total crap.
Comp steels were good, agins on RPMs, and same prep as above. No issues.
Stock stamped - used on factory iron - same prep, no problems.

It comes down to one of those "to each their own" deals. Personally - I don't subscribe to "its the rockers" and I don't subscribe to needing lash caps. I get the valve job right - historically it's worked for me and my engines.