Graveyard Carz

Sorry, but you should probably worry about your own show. Talking down other automobile related shows doesn't look good on you. And I like you. And that's not going to make me watch your show/shows anymore. All the shenanigans aside,I would much rather watch a show that truly knows how to build a Mopar,versus a show that builds a Mopar to Chevy specs. Let alone a car show building a Delorean.

Johnny, I was attempting to explain to those who complained earlier, why reality shows rely on fake drama. While I don't like the style, it was not a knock against the people on the show. It's a formula that crosses over from genre to genre, regardless of it being an automotive show. In my other post, I stated "I wish them well", which I sincerely do. I think having more car shows on air is better for everyone. The format of a show is usually a decision by a network executive not the creator/producer of an individual show. The exec's tell the producer how it's going to be made and look, so it will flow with other shows on the network. My point was that we all know it's not necessary to get viewers like us to watch. Hopefully, they can express that to executives who agree... But, then again, every speciality network executive wants the next "Honey BooBoo" so they examine the structure of that series to determin what makes it work. They then try to apply the formula to more shows. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't. "Television is the highest form of immitation". It's all an on-going experiment, really. I hope that clears things up a little. As part of this community, I hope my occasional opinions are accepted and seen as as a car guy like others here - rather than an opportunity to attack my company and production... BTW, it was a Bricklin! :D
