Tow Rigs

Started towing with my '73 B100 and a pick up trailer I made from a '69 Datsun PU back in '77 and just rebuilt last year. Then in '99 added a 17' Casita to the B100's tow duties.

1996 added a small utility trailer to the fleet.

2001 gave the B100 a rest and added a '98 Tahoe to the mix.

2002 added a car Trailer and Cargo trailer to the list of towable's.

2004 sold the '99 Casita Freedom Deluxe and replaced it with a new 17' Casita Liberty Deluxe.

2005 added a new Avalanche to the fleet and gave the Tahoe & B100 light duty.

2007 added a 2004 SSR for fun then added a 2001 13' Casita Patriot Deluxe to go with it.

2012 Re-engined the Tahoe, Sold the Avalanche in Aug. Then in Sept. bought a '69 Airstream 25' Trade Wind and sold the '04 Casita the next day.

The idea is to pull the AS with the Tahoe and the '57 GMC when its done.

Good grief, so many Trailers and Tow Vehicles.