How Do You Define Your Privacy?

im somewhat guilty of the facebook and twitter updating.. but only to a point.. I will occasionally do a check in on facebook if its something big (like the Van Halen concert I went to last year, or the mopar nationals) .. but for the most part, my updates on facebook usually involve my grandson.. pics of him playing or us being together.. its an easy way to show off how proud I am of him, and also for the rest of the family (spread out all over the place, including my brother who lives in Japan) to see him, and to see how things are going.. All that being said,(and despite the fact that I really lean on technology) I never give out my day to day itinorary.. thats just dumb.. I dont constantly post useless information that most people wouldnt care about.. i can sit in a room, carry on coversations all without having to drag the phone out of my pocket.. I still believe its rude if someones talking to me, to multi-task by texting someone else.. I can watch a whole movie without having to get on the computer, or text... i will text after the movie.. I can still actually pick up a phone, dial it, and talk to the person on the other end.. Something that is becoming a lost art... Truth of it is, my life is not all that fascinating, so i feel no need to post every minute of it.. as for personal privacy at home.. I may ask 'whats up' or 'whats new'.. but my theory is, if theres something you want me to know.. you'll tell me... and thats how I treat people.. if you want to see me, have me visit, or need help, i'll be there in a heartbeat.. otherwise, i wont bother you.. and I expect the same.. while im on that rant, can someone explain to me why todays kids all believe that your yard is their yard too??? When I was kid we stayed out of other peoples yards.. and we sure as hell didnt touch stuff in other peoples yards... these days, whats mine is apparently everyone elses... it pisses me off (sorry, i know that last bit was a bit off topic.... )