LED Lights

There is probably a reason that "LED" threads always get some negative opinions....What you are in essence asking for is a one sided opinion......only the good not the bad. Always laugh when people get fired up over Dan's FACTS. Which is exactly what they are, facts. When Dan states something in any of these light threads it is not an "opinion" it is a fact. It is like when HID's pop up, everybody always just wants OPINIONS, not facts. And then they get all butt hurt when the facts are on the table in front of them and they do not match up with there OPINIONS. Your car, your money do as you like. I have seen plenty of LED tail lights that look like they throw a crap load of light. I have them on my trailers. No arguing they APPEAR to toss out a lot more light then incandescent bulbs.....

yep, I did my led tail light in my 66 dart (they don't even think about making aftermarket for these cars)
here's the link

and had to redo them a couple of times to get the correct intensity according to the Lux meter and SSDANS chart but I did get them and they look AWESOME (I'm bias evidently) Without his help I'd have an unsafe car for sure, now I'm not worried about driving mine Anywhere and still be safe. the first 2 tries look great but didn't make the numbers I needed to be safe according to the chart. so looking good don't count, it's what the meter says at the angles needed to be safe.

oh yeah and SSDAN actually liked my LED's or approved of them. so he can like leds if they are safe!:cheers: