Another new Long Islander


Thanks for the props on the car! I'm sorry to hear about your injury, but I'm glad it healed up well! I'm back to normal for the most part, but I destroyed 10cm of bone (3.9") and now have one leg one full inch shorter than the other which as you can imagine wreaks havoc with my back and everything else. I also crushed 2 discs in my back and lost most of the feeling from my knee down due to a good amount of nerve damage in the leg. I too had a titanium rod or "femoral nail" put in, but from the amount of bone loss and the stress it put on the hardware in addition to a bad infection in the "deep wound channel", it failed and did a bunch more damage when it did. I now have a stainless plate that runs from the outside of my knee to just below my hip joint held in place with 7 screws and believe it or not all the pieces of bone kinda went back where they belong and filled in that large gap nicely! I am no doubt damaged goods, but still here to talk about it and doing the stuff I like and want to do!

Here's what it looked like 16 months later!