What do you think of this

Bad idea. Take the lumps and know your a better man and mechanic doing things your way.
Public cuss words can land you in trouble.

I agree with Rob, and all the other comments that have been made. Don't stoop to their level. I always drove old cars and still do and i'm almost 36. I see so many people i went to school with that have been spolied rotten or have fancy yuppie cars and SUV's, I have never been impressed. Hell, the car I drive in the winter right now is a huge rusty 1984 Olds 98 boat and I don't care what anybody thinks, and I love the big car! Plus, I can keep my Mopars tucked away at home safe and sound, then in the spring, bring them out to roack the streets again. My favorite part is going through mall or other big parking lots full of cars, as I idle though my Valiant sets off the car alarms on the stupid yuppie cars LOL!! The best thing is when these d-bag dudes are with their chicks, they look at me like i am crazy but when I see the girl, she looks like she is crazy for me LMAO :D Besides, who would want a high matenience girl like that anyway, car chicks are more fun :prayer:

Anyway, back on track LOL, don't put that crap on your car, bad things will happen. I wish you luck with these morons and do your best to hold your head up high and proud, remember, you have a MOPAR :burnout: