Doctor Rant

Went to the Dr, yeasterday. Apointement time was 10:45. I arrived prior to 10:30, and signed in. A few minutes later I was given a cup for a sample, and then put in an exam room, where the PA took my blood pressure, and asked my hight and weight. At 11:05 I left the room,went to the desk, told the women at the desk I was leaving, and to reschedule, when they could see me close to the appointment time. Why can't doctors have some consideration for their patients? My time is just as valuable to me, as the doctors is to him. If they get backed up, at least have the curtisey to inform the patient, and give the option as whether to wait, leave and come back later, or reschedule. I have done this to several doctors, and now if I need to wait, they at least let me know. I wish more people would do this, and maybe the Dr's would not be so inconsiderate.