Doctor Rant

Best part is, most of us still die before the age of 100, many before 90--yet Benjamin Franklin who was born in 1706 lived for 84 years....isn't that a joke

Ben Franklin didn't have processed foods, McDonalds, Burger King, cars, electricity, and so many other health compromising things in his life.
Seeing a Doctor was a rare thing. Have a Doctor available was probably even more rare.
People walked instead of drove. Pumped water, and carried buckets of water to the house. Made much of their own furniture, and fixtures (manual labor)drank well water, fresh milk, even fresh rum, and home brewed beer. Used all natural ingredients in their cooking, and just lived a more natural life style that we do.

Maybe medicine wasn't what it is today, but most people lived healthier lives than we do now. No couch potatoes.
Even working on our cars isn't "Healthy" for us, it doesn't hurt, either, but it's a ton better than watching TV or messing around on a computer.

Franklin lived a long life because, even with gout, he was an active person, with a decent diet, not to mention a fertile mind.