How much money do you put into a car?

I never had any thoughts or intentions as to what the buggy's future value may be. I was just wanting to build a cruiser for the wife and I to enjoy and to hang with our friends, who are also Mopar fanatics.. I used to try and keep track of the money being spent. but eventually gave up on that.. If I really take the time to consider value, for a good while I was still in the green, as far as making money if I had to sell her... now.. probably not.. She was just a /6 grocery getter with no real frills,.. wasnt a 340 car or a big block Dart.. and though she has a small block and she looks pretty now, I know it'll never bring 340 car money.. If I had to guess, I probably have a little over $10 grand in the car.. (I got the car for $350.. running lol).. What do I realistically think I can get for her if I had to sell.. $7500-$9,000 ... and Im not even sure of that.. but im fine with that.. the experiences I have had in the past 9 years with the car, restoring her, spending time with friends, and the cruises my wife and I have enjoyed are more than worth every penny I have spent, and continue to spend... Thats how I see it anyways..