show me your work bench and i will show you mine LOL

i love the fridges incorporated into some of them. since it gets way hot out here in west texas, startin to get jealous of that LOL. i need to maybe install a fridge in my garage. i have an older whirlpool fridge/freezer with ice maker, its starting to weird out in the kitchen, i may have to break down and get a new one for the kitchen, and put this one out in the shop along with my old microwave i have in the attic.

i need my cave to be more mancave friendly in the drinks and eats department, although my wife is very cool about that, and is always bringing me something to drink, as well as food to keep me alive during my all too rare lately all night thrash sessions. still nice to be able to wave some waveable food when i want it and not bother her.

great shop ideas guys, i will be using some of your ideas in my shop too. glad i started this thread.
