Purchased 8 3/4 rear I need some help

yeah it wouldn't hurt to have it checked/ pretty sure the machine shop around here is going to want the slag cleaned out before checking it. What a brick. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night ripping folks of like that. What happened to the good old days when people took pride in there work. I told that guy to take his time. I called him to ask about the slag the stud and the piss poor welds and the fact that the damn thing is off my a 1/8. He said he was falling behind. I told him he should have put my housing to the side and rush Fu**ed some one elses item. I contacted the guy a few times to tell him no rush i want a good job on this. Then when I get it its a hot mess. I had a dream last night that I took that stupid housing and smashed his shop up Gallagher style. Oh the sweet therapy. It slices it dices its even a juicer!!!!