Having to put Mom in nursing home

Been there done it. My advice is visit everyday if possible. If you walk down the hallways and smell anything you don,t smell in your own home move her immediately, and I mean now. The more you are there the more you will sense any problems. Pay attention to how much she is sleeping and any sores on her. If you have any nursing friends have them go regularly and check her for any marks sores or anything they do not feel is normal. I had my mom moved 3 times before I was comfortable she was safe and in good hands. Please don,t put her there and just feel she is in good hands. Go visit often and do not set up a regular schedule to do so. Vary your times and go at night if just to set there while she sleeps. DO NOT LET THE HOME KNOW WHEN YOU MAY JUST DROP IN. She is your only mom and deserves only the best. My heart goes out to you as I still miss my mom and dad so bad everyday. Steve