How much money do you put into a car?

How much do you spend on everything else? Housing? Recreation / vacations? We all have our own standards and circumstances. Some posters here are likely better off financially than others. Perhaps they are in a better position to spend more on this hobby. Maybe not.

My point is, be cautious not to spend more than you really should, no matter what your income. If you are a family man (or woman) take their feelings into consideration. Don't turn your hobby into a hardship for them. If you dont have 'disposable' income, you are taking too much money away from more important things and you will not be happy. If you dont have the time & place to stop at a certain point and pick it back up again when ready, you may not have the right circumstances. In my book, family comes first.

My Dart has been in the same condition as when i bought it 5-6 years ago. It is not until now that i feel i can spend the money to restore it.

My last 'hobby' was building a conversion bus ( which drained my time and bank account. I dont feel very proud of the fact that I spent much more than I should have. The Dart project will be a 'cake walk' in comparison!