How much money do you put into a car?

sooo..... lets see.... $35,000 divided over 24 years..lets see now... that only comes to $1458.33 a year for a hobby. Now if I smoked and averaged $5.00 for a pack a day that would be $1825.00 a year. So for not smoking I saved $366.67 dollars a year and am healthier for it and have a pretty awesome car.
Also... not a dime ever came out of my paycheck to go into my car. All was done with selling parts, working side jobs, etc.. for "play money" hence the 24 years !!! lol... Hey....its all part of the fun !



You are so right. I started to sum up all the money in my restoration and I gave up after I passed USD..........! I don't care! I do this restoration for myself. Not for someone else!!
