got new toy, feather duster!

i traded off my 73 satelitte this weekemd for a 72 /6 duster, runs, drives, some lower rust and little in floors. wanted to just sell the b body but ya know, here in south missouri or in general, hard to find anyone with any money, i did get some boot to pay for the things that you always find after a trade!? yea i know the sat was worth more, but..... brake work for one. bacvk set is perfect, so are the front buckets ( they are for 65 darts!) got a friend with correct seat, so the 65 are for sale.
yea i now, 2 dusters. but a true tip off to being a true mopar car is ya never seen one ya didn't want!!!??
the darned dusater is very original, with air. i work outside and hate ac. plus its totally in the way workin on it. i hate to take it off and hate to leave it on. ya know it will take $$$$$ to have it fuctionng. WHAT to do????
hey "72 blunblu" has 4 old cars!??? a wife tooo????