What the hell is going on with shops?

Clueless & ignorant!!...
I'd love to know what you do for a living? I bet you think you're under paid too.
Here's a suggestion: Go to trade school, buy all the tools necessary to diagnose & repair your car sucessfully & right THE FIRST TIME, (scanners, full set of hand tools, tire equipment, emissions equipment, digital meters, pressure gauges, precision measuring tools, welding equipment, A/C serviceing equipment, waste oil & anti-freeze storage containers, compressor Air tools, specialty tools needed for specific tasks you may only need 1 time but can't do without to fix the car, additional training to stay on top of an ever changing industry on & on) & THEN FIX YOUR OWN CAR & SEE HOW MUCH A PROFESSIONAL IS WORTH!! Just do it for the vehicles you own. Now multiply that for the hundreds of vehicles out there that we deal with daily. I bet you can't even name all the various systems & subsystems that are in the car you own.
Yes I am a CAR DOCTOR!! And my patients change with every year, make & model! Unlike your health care provider who has 2 models to deal with & they haven't changed since Adam & Eve! Pull your head outta your *** & walk a mile in my shoes!
Tax write off.. Gimme a break! You know just as little about business accounting too.

BTW, I'm not knocking Health care providers, they work hard & have a lot to know & have great resposibility too. I'm just making the point of how much is necessary to know in my field.
Lonewolf, been reading these posts, and most have never ran a buisiness and have no clue what it takes. Not to get off topic, but look at our current govt. administration and our country, again they have no clue. I used to hear it all the time from customer's, look at all the money your making. The majority have no clue what it takes just to keep the doors open day to day. As I said in an earlier post a week ago, I closed up and never looked back. I enjoyed my work, but got tired of the constant drone of customer's looking to get something for next to nothing or free.