modified hood

You see more shrinkage in the epoxies and urethanes primers. Also and especially the old outdated laquer primers (big no no). Not the case with polyester primer. It will fill a 40 grit and not Shrink. When it goes thru the cure cycle of a few hours it is what it is. I prefer starting between 80-120 though when blocking polyester. . I will leave the polyeser primer in 180 and top that with urethane primer.Then it's ready for final sanding. If ya get it down fine enought you can just seal over the slick sand. Guide coating thru the whole process is always the correct path to take. That's what I use laquer primer for is guide coating. Keep it mixed up in my old suction gun hanging by the bench.

I am liking the pics. Cool ride.

Also I like to leave my filler in 80-180 before polyester primer. Three threw the 40 grit Lin in fit an illustration.